Physics of Glide Wax

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Skis glide because of their friction. The friction between the ski and the snow melts a thin layer of water. The energy that creates the heat to melt the snow comes directly from the Kinetic Energy of the skier. Skis gliding over snow is a combination of wet friction and dry friction. Too much water will create a wet drag or suction. Where too little water will result in dry friction, at cold temperatures skis slide less easily, the coldness of the snow prevents the formation of the layer of water. Glide wax is used to aid the ski and help balance these factors into the fastest friction possible.

Kinds of Glide Wax:

Soft wax is used in warmer temperatures. As the temperature drops there becomes a greater amount of dry friction between the snow and the wax. Harder waxes resist the sharp snow crystals helping the ski glide faster.